Saturday, November 17, 2007

I regurgitate my studio

Saturday, November 17

Seeing that none of my cute one-off artworks are being made this far into the month, I go for broke and am adding pictures of all the stuff and sketches I have been working on in total in the studio. All of it having started before the month and still ongoing. I am painting them now but they got started being put together quite a while ago. I know it is lame but this a dry run anyway, right?

Taking pictures again has yet reaffirmed how much I need a good studio camera setup with some hot-lights. Studio photos of the oil paintings followed by their respective sketches.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, November 1

Well it is only a post-halloween doodle but it's better than nothing. I tried making an elaborate watercolor but I could not finish it in time. Maybe it will come tomorrow. First day down, twenty nine to go.